
The Simpsons Predicted The Future Again – 1998 Episode Predicted That Disney Would Buy Fox

You may or may not have seen musings about how The Simpsons have predicted the future before, but you should pay attention, because it just keeps happening! How are the writers of this beloved prime time cartoon able to do this over and over?

South Park has an episode about Butters attempting to devise plans to take the world over, but he can’t because The Simpsons have beat him to it. Spanning over 600 episodes, there are quite a few things that are written into the show that are plausible, so it’s not surprising that some have come true!

The show has predicted Lady Gaga performing the super bowl halftime show. They somehow knew Trump would become president. They predicted Facebook being invented and even the conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate!

The latest revelation just happened today.

Nearly 20 years ago, on November 8, 1998, an episode of The Simpsons titled “When You Dish Upon a Star” aired with guest voices Alec Baldwin, Kim Basinger, and Ron Howard.

A scene from that episode pictures a sign reading “20th Century Fox, a Division of The Walt Disney Company.” Do you remember the episode?

Darren Rovel does. He tweeted about the episode predicting this event along with the revelations of the very real acquisition made by Disney just today.

It was just announced that Disney is set to take over the studios of 20th Century Fox for the staggering sum of $52.4 billion.

This deal gives Disney control of all of the Fox enterprises, to include film studios and TV networks. This also puts Disney in charge of all the shows airing on Fox, The Simpsons included.

The long running series has been given the green light for seasons 29 and 30. I, for one, can’t wait to see what other future events the writers will predict next.

Some of the other predictions made by the show over the years might surprise you.

In 1999, an episode featured mutant tomatoes. In 2013, deformed fruit was discovered in Japan, near a nuclear plant.

A 1995 episode pictured a future Lisa, with a fiancé who could communicate with his watch. We now have that technology.

Ringo Starr is depicted in one episode from 1991 as taking decades to respond to fan mail. In 2013, a fan receives a response from Paul McCartney 50 years after writing him!

Remember when Roy Horn was attacked by a tiger back in the early 2000s? The Simpsons had a duo resembling Siegfried and Roy on an episode in the 90s, ten years before the real life incident occurred, and one was mauled. Crazy, right?

Homer ran into trouble with a faulty voting machine on an episode that would change his vote for Barack Obama to something else. As you can guess, in real life, voting machines in Pennsylvania had to be removed when votes for Obama were changed to votes for Mitt Romney.

Proof of the Higgs boson particle was a achieved in 2013. It seems that smart, science-y people spied the equation working out the mass of the famous particle on a chalkboard in a Simpsons episode. That’s just amazing and spooky to say the least.

The lunch lady, Doris, was seen using horse meat in an episode, and I guess I don’t have to tell you that that has now happened in real life. The food safety authority in Ireland discovered horse DNA in 85% of the samples they took.

A three eyed fish was discovered in a reservoir near a nuclear plant in Argentina, just like when Bart found a three eyed fish near his dad’s nuclear plant in a 1990 episode.

How the writers of this beloved show are predicting so many future events is unknown, but I won’t hide the fact that I’m low key scared to see what they tell us next! It’s amazing what they have been right about so far, I can’t imagine what other events will be revealed in the future.

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