Home » Surprising Things You See Only in Switzerland
Swiss houses look fully prepared for a siege

Even the mountains are patriotic

Safety first

Swiss air toilets look like this

Most cows are cleaner than humans

Where legends get frosty

Each month has its dedicated color

I bet he can ski better than you

Innovation at another level

Litter boxes for your pup’s litter

The Swiss fan army

Cow milking contests are a real thing

Switzerland cares for Paleontologists

Can’t go at more than 160 km/hr with these on

Where you get more chance to blend in with nature

Swiss people consume more toilet paper than you can imagine

Your Monday morning fix

There are Starbucks’ in Swiss trains

That’s one hell of a party

Don’t forget to grab a few packs for your kids when you visit

This is a legitimate bus stop

From the sidewalks of Basel

All these pointers are for mountains that are hidden behind thick fog

That’s some view

Swiss people make sure every corner is shining

Architectural masterclass

Shut up and take my money

Recycling is the top preference

You can’t throw plastic garbage on a sunday

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