#15. Why do we dream?
Because we sleep? No that is not a good answer. Even worse, you may ask “then why do we sleep”? Well don’t because it is also a mystery, and we are already at number one in our list, and there is no more room for additional mysteries, period!
The father of modern day Psychology – Sigmund Freud and many of his followers believe, that dreams are the way for our deepest (and usually suppressed) desires to be experienced. It is a good explanation for nice dreams but what about nightmares?
A more scientific theory is that dreams are the brains way of arrange its memories correctly. Think of it like a desk. During the night you have opened several folders and taken out some of their contents, written a few notes, put a few stick-it papers with phone numbers and appointments on the monitor.
So your work time ends, you get out of the office and your nice assistant starts to put everything back together, create new folders for the new information, and then neatly arrange everything in the file cabinet for future use.
Scientists do think that in this stage some errors may occur (due to not enough sleep or some other causes), the same errors we spoke about that might be causing the déjà vu. But just as every other theory in this list, it is unproven.
Now hippies, gurus and generally all spiritual people, like the idea that during dreaming our astral projection is roaming though countless galaxies, universes and dimensions.
It seems my astral projection doesn’t like getting too far away, because all my dreams usually take place on this planet.
Good to read that, but i believe that the writer went a little bit hard on religion. Answers the writer talked about were not given by my religion. For example, the stars we think that we look at are not the stars but the light emitted by those stars and has just reached our sghit, is mentioned in my religion and was proved later by science. I am sure that real religions give the correct piece of information and real science have to prove them.