Amy Revives is a medical student, who is studying in Rotterdam to become a cardiologist. However...
Category - Funny
These People Recreated 50 Famous Artworks And Some Might Be...
“Take a photo of the Rembrandt type” is an ongoing project on, where people submit their own...
40 Uncomfortable Photos That You Probably Can’t Scroll Through
The photos in this post document absolute atrocities. If you can finish this list without cringing...
30 Everyday Struggles That Women Can Relate to
A woman’s life can be tough. Especially when your period is messing up your supposed-to-be...
30+ Times People Found Sleeping In Funny and Weird Places
Wherever your last “disco nap” occurred, we’re fairly certain it couldn’t...
Hilarious Online Shopping Disasters That Will Put You Off Online...
Almost everyone has experienced this heartbreak (not even exaggerating!), and while you might have...
30 People With Extraordinary Sense of Humour
Listed up in this post are hilarious photos of such people nailing it with their humor in all kinds...
40 People That Got The Worst Tattoos EVER
Tattoos have been around for centuries, and they’ve evolved from being the symbols of thugs...
30 Hilarious Selfie Fails Will Be Your Today’s Dose Of Fun
We all have a few narcissists in our list who are obsessed with selfies. They’ll take selfies...
Awesome Japanese Artist Turns Product Packaging Into Amazing Art
Japanese artist Haruki, better known as Twitter user @02ESyRaez4VhR2l, recently gained Internet...
80 Mom Memes That Will Make You Laugh So Hard It Will Wake Up...
From trying to get dear child to sleep and eat properly, to the tantrums, issues with school and...
Mom Reveals Her Daily Struggles of Being Pregnant In Brutally...
If you want to know what pregnancy actually feels and looks like, simply scroll through the photos...