Hunter Scheiderer is a 24-year-old artist from Los Angeles, California. He has a pretty dark and...
Category - Funny
20 Brutally Honest Parenting Comics That Are All Too Real
Parenthood is one of the most rewarding journeys you’ll ever take. On that road, you’ll...
22 Times Optical Illusions Almost Gave People A Heart Attack
Maybe we watched too many horror movies as kids, or maybe it’s just an evolutionary advantage...
Artist Reimagines 5 Disney Dads As Real People And They Look...
Jirka Väätäinen is a Finnish graphic designer and illustrator whose illustrations of Disney...
40 Winners Of The Most Epic Photoshop Battles
Every week the subreddit holds a battle where an image is given and the users submit their most...
31 Super Funny Cartoons On Random Photos
The artist turns existing stunning retro-looking photos into a whole new experience in the world of...
40 Weird But Laughable Photos That Will Make You Lol
From savage dessert tricks to witty lizard jokes, you’ll find everything bizarre yet hilarious here...
31 Funniest Responses To The USA Huawei Ban
If you haven’t heard yet, the USA has banned Chinese tech giant Huawei, fearing that the company...
30 Dark Humor Comics With Endings You Don’t See Coming
If there’s anything funnier than regular humor, it’s got to be dark humor – just ask Tony Esp. He...
30 Most Wholesome Keanu Reeves Memes
You don’t need to be a fan of his movies to like Keanu Reeves – after all, how can you dislike a...
30 Animals Scaring People
Brand new weekly compilation of the funniest reaction videos of kids and people getting scared by...
30 Hilariously Cute Relationship Comics and You Will Recognise...
If you’ve ever been in a relationship where you felt completely comfortable to be crazy around your...