Funny spelling mistakes might produce a giggle, but this girl’s terrible grammar “changed the very...
Category - Comics
17 Honest Comics That Show The Life Before and After Kids
The simple things you used to take for granted suddenly aren’t so simple anymore. Want to sit down...
Artist Hilariously Illustrates the Long Term Relationship
At the beginning stages of a relationship, you may try to hide your insecurities from a partner or...
40 Single Dad Illustrates What It’s Like To Raise A Child, And...
To capture the joys and difficulties of parenting he faces every day, Lan Shengjie (aka BLUE) is...
24 Hilarious Comics By Comic Artist Kat “My Life As A Potato”
Kat is a comic artist who creates comics about her daily life. But there is a small twist: she is...
A London-Based Artist Draws Minimalist Comics About the...
The worst feeling ever A very supportive spider Ducks worry about their health too. That’s what...
What Would Happen If Superheroes Had Babies
People say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and we have to agree. But could it possibly...
13 Wholesome Comics Shows What Is Like To Date An IT Guy
Hong Kong-born artist Bonnie Pang has been creating the Roar Street Journal for about three years...
20 Illustrations Shows The Difference Between Relationship...
From snacking in bed to sleeping poses and beyond, the outcome of your attempt to create something...
20 Comics That Perfectly Summed Up The Internet
A collection of comics that make fun of our relationship with the internet, and all the ups and...
20 Funny Comics That Capture Life With Two Cheeky Cats
Scroll down below to see some of my illustrations from a day in the life of a cat owner and for all...
How Our Favourite Cartoon Characters Would Look Like If They...
We’ve grown up, yet they remain immortal forever frozen in the forms we saw them in. Have you ever...