The artist said that he’s been creating these comics for 22 years mainly because he enjoys...
Category - Comics
Socially Awkward Situations And Funny Random Thoughts That...
Some comics are so random that they become hilarious because of that. And that’s exactly the...
Relatable Comics That Show How Hard Girls’ Lives Can Be in Spring
Spring is a time when nature wakes up from its winter sleep and brings us sunshine, good moods, and...
Comic Artist Adam Ellis Has Quit Buzzfeed, And Here Are 20+ Of...
Adam Ellis claims he left art school after a fellow student presented her final project to the...
A Russian Artist Draws Comics in Which Every Girl Can Recognize...
A 32-year-old artist known under the pseudonym Stushona Iva lives and works in Chelyabinsk, Russia...
What If “Game Of Thrones” Was Produced By Disney
Arya Stark And The Hound White Walker Jon Snow Cersei Lannister “My Little Birds Have Told...
Hilariously Honest Comics Reveal The Difference Between Having...
Parents know, that there are some quite big differences between having your first and second...
30+ Cartoon Characters Encountered in Real Life
Whether it’s a case of life imitating art or the other way round, none of us can be certain, but...
Brutally Hilarious ‘Good Bear Comics’ For People Who Like Dark...
Everyone enjoys a good laugh, but not all of us have a thing for innocent knock knock jokes...
Our Beloved Childhood Characters Turned Into Tarantino-Like...
Sylvain Sarrailh, who is also known by the name Tohad, is a French concept artist based in Toulouse...
Boyfriend Surprises His Girlfriend By Drawing Her In 10...
Kellen Hickey, a sketch artist from Minnesota has decided to give himself and his girlfriend a...
Shark Puppy Is The Cutest Thing You’ll See Today
There are plenty of baby animals that will make you go “aww” but Sharkpup is probably...