Realtionships are never this perfect, are they? From absolutely adorable situations to sweeter than...
Category - Comics
Simple Yet Powerful Comics By Venezuelan Artist That Will Make...
The Unspoken Truth is a series of comics created by Venezuelan artist Maria Guadarrama that feature...
Daughter Hilariously Illustrates Her Dad’s Ambivalent...
These pieces are part of ‘Awkward Moments,’ an ongoing webcomic project that Akiro has been working...
Every Person At The Gym Gets Hilariously Summed Up In These...
His series ‘At the gym: who is looking at whom,’ explores every first-time gym goer’s fear of being...
This Artist Reimagines Disney Characters In Realistic Style
The artist said he often has a pretty clear idea of what a particular character should look like in...
Amazing Boss VS. Leader Illustrations Perfectly Explain The...
A boss is is dominating over their employees while a leader understands the benefits from pulling...
Awkward Cartoons About Weddings
You might recognize these from your local paper, or maybe you see yourself in them
If Disney, Marvel, And DC Characters Finally Got Old
Have you ever tried to imagine Thor making a birdhouse with his little grandson, Spider-Man...
Hilarious Comics By French Vegan Artist
THis Is Hilarious: Shortened Versions of Classic Books
Hilariously Relatable Comics That Will Make You Say ‘That’s So...
We’re sure you’ll enjoy Alicia’s wonderful comics and will definitely relate – especially if you...