Category - Comics
Terrifying Illustrations That Show Something’s Wrong With This...
1. Values 2. Nonconformist 3. Magic carpet 4. Perfect garden 5. Today I have to smile. 6. Dodgy...
This Artist Illustrates His Sweet Childhood Memories So Well The...
So Homer Simpson Would Look In Real Life
Bunny Comics That Often Don’t End Well
Problems Of A Crocodile Hilariously Illustrated By Japanese...
His series about the travails of a crocodile, living in a human’s world, have spread rapidly...
An Illustrator Creates Stories With Such an Unexpected Twist...
Artist Hilariously Illustrates Everyday Life With Her Fiancé And...
After you build a foundation with someone and spend a good amount of time getting to know each...
20 Ways Your Life Changes From Your 20s To Your 30s
Illustrator Shows the Funny Side of Cartoon Characters
1. Superheroes need grooming too. 2. The struggle is real. 3. So much prepping for that crisp look...
This Illustrator Hilariously Sums Up The True Struggles Of Adult...
Tall Girl Problems VS. Short Girl Problems
Tall girls problems Short girl problems