Home » 30 Photos For Those Who Are Tired of Cats and Dogs
17 years later

“After a 3-hour search for my hedgehog”

“Cat, you’re not in charge here anymore.”

This owl is super scared of bananas.

Hamster pancakes

“Just having a bat hair day.”

“My friend’s rat enjoying a movie and some popcorn”

When your friends think you’ve been feeding the neighbors to your pet:

A happy baby wombat

As it turns out, chameleons can hold anything in their hands.

“I wanted to play the guitar, but there was someone living in it.”

“There’s a snake in my boot.”

“I’m a vet tech and today at my work we neutered my rat Milo. Here he is being put under anesthesia!”

A lizard birthday

Eating a tasty cookie

This owl hides behind its owner whenever there is a visitor in the house.

A hedgehog looking for extraterrestrial life

You’re just a lizard that is fed up with your life.

“Follow me and receive everlasting sunflower seeds!”

“Dinner time at the pet supply store I work at”

“He ate a lot and fell asleep, could happen to anyone.”

This lizard looks as if it’s starring in a theatrical production.

Ratatouille of the day

This little alligator is just as good as all those trained dogs on the internet.

“A mouse that went into Mission Impossible mode in my house last year”

Armadillo relaxing

This is a guinea pig that looks like a wig.

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