26 photos of humans proving that they really are the most inventive and diverse beings on this planet.
Yep, that seems about right.

2. Who’s on the phone calling the police?

Some people love crust so much, they eat it first.

’Cause ketchup goes with everything.

For some people, cucumbers are fruit too.

Combining veggies and dessert?

It’s a kiwi, not an apple.

Starting from the inside out

You always eat the best part first.

Yes, there are people who eat pizza with a knife and a fork.

Why do people use Kit Kats as straws?

Ice cream with fries is the next big thing, either you like it or you don’t.

When all you’ve got left in the kitchen is popcorn, tortillas, and ketchup:

An alternative way to eat watermelon

Not everyone drinks orange juice in a glass.

Dipping Oreos in water is a true sin.

This person desperately needed a triangular piece.

Who eats like that?

How do you have the heart to do that to sushi?

Why don’t you eat ice cream instead?

Some people are monsters.

Beans on toast for breakfast looks fantastic.

Americans must be truly disgusted by this.

Not all food can be eaten like corn on the cob.

An alternative sandwich

This is so unsettling.

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