If the internet has taught us one thing (other than rule #34), it’s that things involving failure are hilarious. Type in “fail” and you are basically typing “I will laugh for the next hour instead of working at my job.”
1. The time when she got her nails did.

2. “You forget to leave the toilet seat down!”

3. Couldn’t find the decency to use duct tape.

4. Winter wonderland sledding fails
5. Namaste, hilarious yoga fails
6. Unless this guy is the illegitimate child of Superman and Pee-wee Herman, he is having a bad day.

7. That’s dialing lazy to 11.

8. Biker fails to launch off ramp
9. And that’s why I don’t play soccer. Also because I’m lazy and hate it.

10.Backpacker Fails At Crossing A River
11. Anyone who isn’t a convertible driver feels good about this.

20. Best. Plan. Ever.

13. This person forgot that you need to mount your TV on a stud.

14. Raccoon totally fails getaway after stealing food/
15. Whoever put in these goddamn stairs. You had one job.

16. The person who got this massively screwed up tattoo. “Jon Bovi” *shudder*

17. Disclaimer: This is NOT how you get fit

18. That’s what you get for messing with a horse

19. Hilarious Eyebrow Fail

20. Maybe you should invest in some curtains?

21. Who needs privacy?

22. The Best Wedding Fails
23. Get cozy, boys.

24. Great view.

25. Epic fails on wheels
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