23 Creepy Things Family Members Said That Left People Feeling Unsafe

These 23 creepy things family members said will make your skin crawl, revealing how certain words or phrases can make you feel uneasy—even in the comfort of your own family.

If we stop and think about it, we realize that even the most unsavoury, rude or entitled characters in the world are bound to have some family around. Though we would not want to associate with a stranger who gives us the ‘ick’ or makes us feel uncomfortable because of unacceptable behaviours, what would the situation be if it were a relative? How would the situation play out if that person was a cousin, an uncle or a grandparent? After all, it does happen to many innocent parties that someone they share blood with can say or do highly questionable things.

We were all gathered around the dinner table. My 1 year old daughter was sucking on a corn on the cob and my boomer father saw her and said she’ll make a man very happy one day. It was quiet for a second and I told him to stop sexualizing my infant child. He quit drinking shortly after that but I still keep an eye on him and he isn’t left alone with my children.

My alcoholic uncle at my 12th birthday party: “You grew up real nice. If we’re ever alone I’ll take it as a yes.”

I had no clue what he meant until I was older.

My mom would always remind us before big family gatherings “Don’t go sit on Uncle Vern’s lap. Don’t be alone with him either. He has a history”

As a kid I was like wow that’s kinda scary. As an adult with kids my question is “Why the f**k was this dude invited back?”.

After my twins passed away (shortly after birth), my sister said, “It’s a good thing they died when they did, so you didn’t get too attached.”.

My grandfather told me not to dance at a wedding because I might “tempt” the men. I was 13.

My stepbrother and his wife were visiting my bio father and stepmom, while I was temporarily living with them. Their baby wasn’t too happy about being in a strange place with strangers, but somehow me and the kiddo hit it off. So I would often wake up when they asked me to take him during the night when he was fussy, babysat, etc. I adored it.

My bio father was “helping” me babysit, then suddenly his mood changed and he looked down at the baby, roughly pushed him over. I managed to grab the baby before he fell off the bed. Meanwhile, my bio father was chuckling and said “what are (his parents) going to do about it? They are staying in my home and financially dependent on me.” He then made a faint like he was going to smack the baby in my arms, then walked away.

I left a few weeks later and haven’t spoken to him in 30+ years now.

My youngest son was about 4 and playing by himself. After a bit i realized he was talking to someone or pretending to. I asked him who he was playing with and he said “an old man.” I asked him what the old man’s name was and what he was doing and he said “grandpa and he’s walking with his cane.”

My kids call my dad “Papa” so it was weird to me, and my husbands father they called Papa Launery. I asked him who is grandpa, what does he look like? And my son says “my grandpa, he has a red shirt and brown pants.”

It creeped me out but I didn’t think too much about it. I posted on my facebook page about the interaction and my grandmother posted a picture of my great grandfather who I never met in an old family photo, wearing a red shirt and brown pants. He had a prosthetic leg from the war so he walked with a cane. Id never seen that photo before and my son certainly never had either. My family is convinced he was visiting to say hello. Still the creepiest thing my kid has ever said.

When my cousin was 14, my uncle (her father) said her first boyfriend would be very lucky to have her as a girlfriend. I agreed, saying she was becoming a wonderful young woman. My uncle looks me in my eyes and says “yeah, but he’d also get a go on her fantastic t**s” 🤢
Guess which uncle is never going to see my daughter (who is now a teenager).

My grandpa asked me if I was going to breastfeed when I was pregnant. I said I was absolutely going to try. He then gave one of my b**bs a little jiggle and said “With these little things? Good luck!”

I was left with my jaw on the floor.

I was going through a divorce, I was staying with my sister. I was sleeping on the floor in her spare room.
I woke up and she was standing over me with a knife in her hand.

She said: “IT awakes!”

I replied: WHAT?! What is going on?

She blinked and turned and walked away.

I began to look for a different place to stay after I locked the room’s door and stayed up for the rest of the night.

She struggles with paranoid schizophrenia.

My grandpa said he’d marry me if I wasn’t his granddaughter.

Said I n front of my future husband the weekend of our wedding.

He was my cousin. He found me on yahoo messenger. He said he was distancing himself from his side of the family. We would chat about once a week. A couple months in, he invited me to visit. I turned him down because I was broke. He said I could share his bed. I was just “wha?”

He then went into a spiel about we could move to Kentucky, he had researched it and cousins having sex was legal.

I just said “ew” and blocked him and deleted messenger

I refuse to ever attend anything he would be at.

My mom told me recently when I was ill that if I died, her neighbors would bring her free meals for a couple of weeks. She genuinely thought that sounded exciting and like an outcome she was hoping for.

I had an uncle buy me silk underwear for my 16th birthday and when I opened it said “you should try it on right now”.

We adopted a baby from China 20 yrs ago. When I casually mentioned how my husband was in love with her, his uncle said, “just make sure he doesn’t love her TOO much.” This was around when people were still commenting on Woody Allen running off with Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter. It was a pretty gross thing to say about a toddler. And my husband.

– “no one will ever love you”
– “I’m going to set fire to the house with us in it”
– “if you tell anyone, social services will take you away and put you in a children’s home where they’ll hurt you really badly”
– “drink the poison kid”

Take your pick.

My dad once said to me, “If I could get you to eat half as much as you do, and your sister to eat half as much as you do, I’d have two perfect daughters”. Thanks, Dad. 🙌🏼.

First girl I ever brought home (that I was interested in) when I was 13… my dad comes home from work, before I can even introduce them to each other, my dad says, “So, have you two had s*x yet?”

I was mortified.

She left.

My dad didn’t meet another one of my “girlfriends” until I was in my mid 20s, and my GF and I rented a place together.

When my son was three, his mom had to send him to a timeout for some reason. He didn’t want to and threw a fit, so I reiterated he had to go and be by himself til he could behave. He started storming away, then turned, walked close to me, and hissed- actual hiss, like a villain- “They’ll never find you.”

He’s 12 now and he doesn’t remember it. But when I told him about it he just nodded and said “Yeah, that sounds like something I would say.”.

My half older brother is about 25 years older than me and obviously, we didn’t grow up together. Never were close. But he once sent me a FB message to share a fond memory with me —

Apparently when I was 3-4 I had a dress with matching bloomers to cover my diaper. He said I’d laugh and giggle, looking at him while rolling around as if I “wanted him to look at my bloomers” in *that* fashion.

I blocked him and never looked back. I feel gross just typing this.

Once at a family birthday party, my FIL told his 15-year-old daughter “You’re the sexiest woman here.”.

I used to have a horrible recurring dream about an alien abduction while camping. Sometimes I would wake up in a light sweat, sometimes I’d jump out of bed into the corner of the room until I came to my senses.

No, I am not an abductee. It’s just a bad nightmare.

So…. My kid brother used to wake up and come to my room in the middle of the night to sleep there. One night I wake up from that nightmare and he’s just standing there at the edge of my bed.

I nearly jumped out of my skin.

He looks right through me and says, “they’re coming for you too”. Then he turned and walked back to his room.
I didn’t go back to sleep that night.

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