
20 Times Men Shared Their Jokes Online and Became Internet Stars

When you’re on a business trip but the only thing you want is sleep:

Men also have their drama.

How else do you attract attention to the mirror you want to sell?

When regular golf isn’t that exciting anymore:

Men’s intuition is rather ironic.

You need to be ambitious to achieve your goals.

A real engineer knows how to make their presentations spectacular.

Sometimes you don’t need to ask.

“My friend had a photo shoot with my McDonald’s hashbrown at 4 am.”

When your son is a prankster:

A wife stepped on a string hanging from her husbands pants. They unraveled all the way up a mile away from home.

Well, now you know the truth about ducks.

“So, my sister is in Hawaii right now and sent photos to the group message and my dad responded with this.”

“My uncle is an infectious disease doctor. I found this perfect mug at his house today.”

When you know how to position your services right:

The equivalent of sending sexy photos to the wife when you have a baby

The pranking pilot

“My brother has been complaining for 3 days that he lost his cap with the deer on it.”

Just like you said!

When you’d prefer a thick wallet:

The commenter is probably a philosopher.

The best way to make your communication with a voice assistant more entertaining — watch the video with the sound on!

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